John Keble C of E Primary


School attendance is very important for every child to make the most of their education and to help them fulfil their potential. John Keble is committed to ensuring its level of attendance does not fall below 95%. 

Attending school regularly plays a vital part in successful learning. 

Reporting your child’s absence

If your child is absent from school, please contact the school office on 01962 775241 opt 1 or email

Please ring on the morning of each absence, you can leave a message if the school office staff are not available to take your call.  

Evidence of Planned Future Absences can be emailed to

The Department for Education (DfE) asks schools to identify the reasons a child is absent from school. Authorised absences are for illness, dental / medical appointments, religious observance, school visits and approved sporting activities.

Other absences will be recorded as unauthorised.

ATTENDANCE Policy 2024

Government Guidance on School Attendance

Term Time Holiday

Term time holiday is usually planned and prepared for in advance and school will only grant this time off during term in time in 'special circumstances' of up to 10 sessions (5 days).   

Exceptional circumstances are at the discretion of the Headteacher, who must be satisfied that the circumstances warrant the granting of leave. If children are taken out of school without authorisation, a penalty notice may be issued and a fine imposed by the Local Authority.

 If further clarification is needed please contact the school office.