John Keble C of E Primary

Emotional Health & Well-Being


Why is emotional health and well-being important?

Children’s emotional well-being is just as important as their physical well-being. In order to succeed and thrive they need to develop their emotional resilience.

Building emotional resilience means they can regulate their emotions, think and feel at the same time, solve problems, persevere with things even when they are tricky, bounce back from setbacks and seek help when they need it.  Emotional resilience is essential for developing and creating good mental health.

On the following links there are things to help you support your child’s mental health.

Resilience  Mindfulness Stretching & Moving
Sensing In Grounding


Mental health difficulties can affect anyone at any time. Sometimes we all need support from other people whether that be friends and family or professionals. We want to help by signposting you to different experts and agencies below. Please also come into school to share a cup of tea and have a chat, as we may be able to help further. 

Advice Food Domestic Abuse
Relationships Bereavement NHS