John Keble C of E Primary


The governors of our federation welcome you and thank you for your interest. The Federation Governing Body was formed in September 2013, when the two schools were officially joined together in a federation. The governors therefore represent and oversee both schools, regardless of where they live or if they have an existing connection with one of the schools in particular.

Our governors play a particularly important role for John Keble School. This is because it is an 'Aided' school and, as such, the governors are the employers of staff that have the school as their work base. Also, the Governing Body is the Admissions Authority for the school (not Hampshire).


For further information of Hampshire Governor Services and what it means to be a school governor please read more by clicking here. 


The role of the Governing Body

In order for the Governing Body to properly carry out its work within the schools and the community, the governors work as a voluntary team to collaboratively fulfil the following core functions:

Establishing strategic direction, by:

  • Setting the vision, values and objectives for the federation and the two schools

  • Agreeing school improvement strategy plans, with priorities and targets

  • Meeting statutory duties

Ensuring accountability, by:

  • Appointing and performance managing the Executive Headteacher

  • Monitoring progress towards targets

  • Engaging with stakeholders (staff, parents, pupils, education authorities, suppliers, etc.)

  • Contributing to school self-evaluation and supporting Ofsted evaluations

Ensuring financial probity, by:

  • Setting and reviewing the budgets

  • Monitoring spending against the budgets and ensuring value for money is obtained

  • Ensuring risks to the Federation are managed


What does this mean in practice?

Very simply, school governing bodies are responsible for working with schools to ensure that they deliver a good quality education – but it goes significantly beyond that, to setting the federation/school’s vision, ethos and strategic direction, holding the headteacher to account for the educational performance of the schools and their pupils, and overseeing the financial performance of the schools and making sure money is well spent. For us, that means we look at each school individually and as part of a federation of two schools together.

Each governor is assigned one or more areas of oversight and responsibility; ranging from the standards of specific subjects taught within the schools, ensuring children with special educational needs are accounted for and that the health & safety standards across the schools are adhered to, right across to assessing staff performance integrity, attending interviews, grievances and disciplinary matters and approving spend for new equipment and facilities. We’re here to observe, challenge and support.

All governors are part of the Full Governing Body (FGB) which meets almost every month to discuss key issues, updates and focus areas (i.e. aspects requiring attention, documentation that needs reviewing and self-evaluations based upon expected standards). Some governors join working parties to focus on specific areas such as school finances and future strategy.