John Keble C of E Primary


Our Curriculum

As a school we have decided to follow White Rose Maths Scheme which is embedded as our maths curriculum from Year R through to Year 6. This scheme is designed to instil a deeper understanding of mathematical concepts using a full range of fun and inspiring activities. 
Maths is taught daily during set sessions as well as learning transferable mathematical concepts into other subjects and daily life! 


Through the White Rose Maths scheme, we have adopted the policies for the four different operations which are embedded within our curriculum. Please find the addition and subtraction as well as the multiplication and division policy.

Calculation Policy
Multiplication & Division Policy

Curriculum Map

Please find the national curriculum map for Year 1-6 attached which will enable you to see what your child is covering and when. 

The reception curriculum map shows when we will be covering the content identified within child development research to enable them to meet the Early Learning Goals. 

(Please attach National Curriculum map and Reception curric mapping) 

Reception Curriculum Map
Curriculum Map Y1-Y6

Times Tables Rock Stars

For KS2 we have Times Table Rock Stars where the children all have a rock hero avatar assigned to them to practise their tables. We regularly have battles across the school and within our classes to help the children apply their skills. It is important that children regularly practise their times tables as it underpins all areas of the maths curriculum.

The children will also take part in a Year 4 multiplication check during the summer term where they are

required to recall multiplication and division facts for all of their tables. 

Timetable Rock Starts Parent Guide

Supporting at Home

Please see the link below from the White Rose Maths website where you can find information about the curriculum as well as a wealth of different resources to help support your child at home. 

White Rose Education Parent/Pupil Resources 

The following websites have a range of good maths games and ideas for the children to explore and apply their mathematical understanding. 

Maths is everywhere!! Please allow your children to come with you to do your food shop, to do baking and to tell you the time, encourage conversations about number, shape and measure. It is important that the children recognise how and where they can apply maths beyond the classroom.